Цікава вправа на аудіювання в 2 класі
при вивченні теми "Зовнішність".
при вивченні теми "Зовнішність".
Діти малюють фантастичну істоту.
Meet Weezie
Weezie is a
good monster. He has got three eyes and a big nose.
He has got a big mouth and two lips – one is red and one is blue – and five small ears. His hair is long and green. Weezie has got a fat body. He is kind and funny!
He has got a big mouth and two lips – one is red and one is blue – and five small ears. His hair is long and green. Weezie has got a fat body. He is kind and funny!
Дуже цікава і дієва вправа!Дякую за креатив!